For the next week both part I and part II will be available as a two part pdf download, after which only part II will be available, but only for one week more.
After that, the freebies are over, I'm turning off the spigot and then you'll have to go to Amazon Kindle and pay the exorbitant price of 99 cents! So you see, giving the novel away for free is a supreme humanitarian act.
Download Limbo's Child for free!
Part I is here.
Part II is here.
And remember, you don't have to have a Kindle to read a Kindle formatted book. You can get the book on your iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, PC or Mac.
Check out the multiple varieties of Kindle Readers HERE.
And if you like the book, please tell everyone that it's available on pdf for the next week. And if you REALLY like it, tell them it's available on Amazon Kindle for only 99 cents, and if you REALLY, REALLY like it, make sure you write a great review on and tell everyone you know.
Here's the link for the Kindle version.
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