Thursday, October 27, 2011

Book Two of the Dead Things Series

Now that book one, Limbo's Child is on Kindle, it's time to start working on book two!

Book two is tentatively called "Silver Chains" (but that may change) and I hope to have it ready for Kindle in October of 2012.

(The following is slightly spoilerish if you haven't read the first book, so proceed with caution.)

It's quite a departure from book one.  Book one was focused primarily on Nephys, who is Limbo's Child, and covers the events of just a couple of days and tells the story of how Lucy comes to be the necromancer.  Book two will be focused on Lucy, and it covers a year of Lucy's life and tells the story of how she finally learns how to become the necromancer she was always meant to be.  If I had to subtitle it with a pompous  Victorian appellation I would call it: The Life and Education of one Lucia Claire Miller, Necromancer at Large.  She grows a lot in this book and learns about life, love and how to put meat golems together.  She just unfortunately has to do it in the middle of a vampire turf war, which is never easy.

I just now finished the prologue.  "Getting the Band Back Together."  I may post it in the upcoming weeks if you are interested.

Can't wait to keep forging ahead.

Thanks to all of you who shared the book and told your friends.  I know we can make this series a success.


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