Since we began the free promotion of the book, over 360 more people have downloaded the book! The total now stands at 379.
To all of you who downloaded the book, thanks for giving the book a chance. I know that if you read it, you'll love it. Please write an honest review and recommend it to all of your friends.
379 is great but I hope we can do better. Let's try and get it over 500!! (I'm calling it the EGO-thon. Hey, I'm giving it away for free so I have to have SOME kind of compensation!) The book is available free for the rest of the day. The promotion ends at midnight PST so you still have a few more hours to download the book. Tell all your friends and share it with everybody you know and save my ego! It's for the children really. After that the price will go back up to the atmospheric price of 99 cents. So, dude, what are you waiting for?!
Thanks again and here's the link.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas!!: UPDATE
Merry Christmas everybody!!
And I have a special Christmas gift for all of you and any of your friends. Starting tomorrow, and for the next five days, Limbo's Child (The Dead Things Series)
will be available on Kindle Select, absolutely FREE!! I know a bunch of you will be getting Kindles for Christmas so give it a try. So please tell anyone and everyone about the book and this limited offer to get the Kindle version free.
And thanks to everyone who has read the book for all your kind words and encouragement. I couldn't have come this far without you!
Thanks again,
Major Update: Since the promotion has been put into effect nearly 200 books have been downloaded! Woohoo! Thanks so much. I hope you love the book and I hope that you share it with everyone you know. The promotion is still going on for the next three days so get your copy free today!
And I have a special Christmas gift for all of you and any of your friends. Starting tomorrow, and for the next five days, Limbo's Child (The Dead Things Series)
And thanks to everyone who has read the book for all your kind words and encouragement. I couldn't have come this far without you!
Thanks again,
Major Update: Since the promotion has been put into effect nearly 200 books have been downloaded! Woohoo! Thanks so much. I hope you love the book and I hope that you share it with everyone you know. The promotion is still going on for the next three days so get your copy free today!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Ultimate Spoiler
So it's been a long time since I've posted anything. (The day job takes a great deal of my time in early December. Yes...I'm one of Santa's elves. Long story and I'm sure you don't care to hear about my boring life, back to the book.) So I thought I would post something BIG to tide you over until the season is over and I can get back to regular blogging.
This is the very last scene. Not of Limbo's Child, not of Silver Chains the sequel, but the very, very, VERY last scene of the entire five book Dead Things series. It is, the ULTIMATE spoiler. The video posted below is related, but if you don't want to know how it all ends, then look away, because here goes. Highlight the text below to read.
(And yes folks...I'm dead serious. That's how the whole series ends. No foolin')
This is the very last scene. Not of Limbo's Child, not of Silver Chains the sequel, but the very, very, VERY last scene of the entire five book Dead Things series. It is, the ULTIMATE spoiler. The video posted below is related, but if you don't want to know how it all ends, then look away, because here goes. Highlight the text below to read.
Here's how it ends. Two people, a young man, and a beautiful young woman, are driving at phenomenal speed across the Bonneville Salt Flats in an American made 1974 sedan in mint condition. There is only one difference between this car and a car that rolled off the factory floor in 1974: the speedometer goes up to infinity. The eight track is playing the following song when choirs of angels come out to join in and then the car sprouts giant wings and flies off into the sunrise.
(And yes folks...I'm dead serious. That's how the whole series ends. No foolin')
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Nanowrimo Novella!!
Well things have been a bit quiet on the blog lately. That's a combination of two things really, one, the day job, and two, I've been participating in Nanowrimo, this challenge to write a 50k word novel in one month.
This had been my first year in Nanowrimo, and I'm happy to say I lived up to the challenge and hit the 50k target. You can check out my stats here. As you can see, there were a couple of weeks I just blew it off and somehow I still managed to hit the target. Next year I'm gonna try and hit 75k just to push myself.
I used it as a way to jump start the next novel, but it didn't quite turn out the way I intended. Instead of advancing the next novel I ended up writing this weird little novella, a kind of prequel if you will, to the second book. It's mostly about the back story of the two main villains to the second novel and how they come together. I'm not entirely sure I'm going to put it in the next book as it gives away too much of the story, and it doesn't really fit, but that seems a shame for a couple of reasons. First, I really like it, and second, it solidified in my mind the villains motivations and characters for the second book. So it deserves a hearing, but it just might not happen in the book, so I'm considering posting it here.
As usual, this is very rough, I haven't even been through it a second time myself, so please be forgiving of typos or just flat out bad grammar.
Also, THIS IS FULL OF SPOILERS. It basically gives the plot to the second book away, and reveals several critical things about the bad guys and their goals and powers. So be warned. If you haven't read the first book, this will spoil some things, but nothing critical, but it is very spoilerish about the second book, right from the start.
So if you don't like spoilers...go no have been warned.
It also gives a little back history to some of the characters in the first book. Most of this happens before the events in Limbo's Child. We get to see Wallach, vampire master of Rivenden in Philadelphia in his prime, and we also find out how one of the minor vampires joined the clan. Miles is also back for a short but critical role as well. But mostly it's about our Big Bad for the second book, (well one of them at any rate) The Cowboy, and his sidekick, Rattlesnake Annie. Hope you like 'em.
So here's the first twenty pages or so. I'll publish the next twenty in a couple of days.
This had been my first year in Nanowrimo, and I'm happy to say I lived up to the challenge and hit the 50k target. You can check out my stats here. As you can see, there were a couple of weeks I just blew it off and somehow I still managed to hit the target. Next year I'm gonna try and hit 75k just to push myself.
I used it as a way to jump start the next novel, but it didn't quite turn out the way I intended. Instead of advancing the next novel I ended up writing this weird little novella, a kind of prequel if you will, to the second book. It's mostly about the back story of the two main villains to the second novel and how they come together. I'm not entirely sure I'm going to put it in the next book as it gives away too much of the story, and it doesn't really fit, but that seems a shame for a couple of reasons. First, I really like it, and second, it solidified in my mind the villains motivations and characters for the second book. So it deserves a hearing, but it just might not happen in the book, so I'm considering posting it here.
As usual, this is very rough, I haven't even been through it a second time myself, so please be forgiving of typos or just flat out bad grammar.
Also, THIS IS FULL OF SPOILERS. It basically gives the plot to the second book away, and reveals several critical things about the bad guys and their goals and powers. So be warned. If you haven't read the first book, this will spoil some things, but nothing critical, but it is very spoilerish about the second book, right from the start.
So if you don't like spoilers...go no have been warned.
It also gives a little back history to some of the characters in the first book. Most of this happens before the events in Limbo's Child. We get to see Wallach, vampire master of Rivenden in Philadelphia in his prime, and we also find out how one of the minor vampires joined the clan. Miles is also back for a short but critical role as well. But mostly it's about our Big Bad for the second book, (well one of them at any rate) The Cowboy, and his sidekick, Rattlesnake Annie. Hope you like 'em.
So here's the first twenty pages or so. I'll publish the next twenty in a couple of days.
Night Train
Wallach crossed his legs and examined his clothes carefully
and raised an eyebrow and brushed some non-existent lint off of his sharp
pinstripe suit. He didn’t much care for the clothes of these days. The cut
was too conservative, the fabric too plain. The pants hung loosely and
concealed the fit form of the calf and the leg. The suits didn’t fit the man;
they fit the job and concealed the man. You couldn’t tell the lean body of an
aristocrat who lived in the saddle from the soft body of a bank clerk whose
bottom never left the stool except to go home at five o’clock.
He hardly knew if he fit in anymore. The suits had hardly
changed in the last thirty years, yet still he wondered. Was the suit out of
style? Would people notice? Would they see he just didn’t fit in? That he
didn’t belong in this age? Even if they did would they recognize the man
beneath the suit? Would they see the fine features of Prussian and Romanian
heritage, the latent nobility, the dark eyes and hair of an ancient proud race,
or would they just think he was another immigrant just off the boat in a second
hand suit? He guessed not. In the old country you could see quality and
pedigree even when dressed in a peddler’s cloak. It wasn’t a matter of
clothes, it was a matter of bearing, the proud glint of the eye. Here all the
Americans saw was money. The suit was rich enough, it would pass. You could
put a hobo in a good suit and everyone would think he was a Rockefeller or a
member of President Roosevelt’s cabinet. Wallach sniffed. Roosevelt and
Rockefeller were little better than hobos in good suits as it was.
America, he
thought. What a high-spirited mediocrity. When he had come to America more
than a century ago it held such promise for him: revolution, peasants rebelling
against the old order, freedom, opportunity. When he was just seventeen he
knew he had to come and join the fight. He was so assured of its certainty,
its inherent justness. It was so romantic. His father was outraged, both at
the very thought of rebellion and that his son would want to join up with a
bunch decadent bohemians that spoke of transient nonsense like liberty and
democracy instead of honor and duty. Such things were not done. People needed
to know their place. Without the aristocracy, there was disorder, madness,
chaos. Wallach had disagreed and fled and fought, and survived, after a manner,
but now that he was older, much, much older than even his father could have
imagined, he knew his father was right. He had seen the country manors and rolling
fields of Germantown, swallowed up by the rowhomes of clerks, cobblers, and
common merchantmen. The growth of the city was made possible by the whistle of
the locomotive, the din of trolley cars and finally the honking of automobiles.
Whatever promise this country had had at its birth it had squandered it on
idle entertainments and diversions and noise.
America was nothing more than an irrational exuberance belched forth on the
world, all trace of nobility long since hunted down and strangled by the calmor
of machines and ragtime and minstrel shows and now Jazz and talking pictures. No,
no one would recognize him as a man of quality, let alone a noble. No one at
thirtieth street station or on the train had recognized him as a noble or as second
son to a count of a fiefdom that had ceased to exist after the Napoleonic Wars
more than a century ago, and not a single soul would recognize that he was a
vampire either.
Wallach uncrossed his legs and crossed them again. He
looked out the window of the train car at the passing scenery as the scattered
moonlight fell through the clouds on the grey autumn landscape. They were in
New Jersey, somewhere between Trenton and Newark. Anytime now. Still, he was
nervous. It had been a few years since he had left the manor for so long, and
he had never been this far from the source
before. But it wouldn’t do to have the source so close to him when he
first met the cowboy. For this to work, he needed to appear weak, keep the
source from him as long as possible, until the very end of the encounter.
He thought about his opponent. It was clever really: a
sleeper car on a night train. A little advanced planning was all it required.
An accurate schedule, a departure in the early morning hours or early evening, some
heavy curtains, and an arrival after dark and a vampire of means could travel anywhere
in the country in comfort. Pay off the porter and you could guarantee your
privacy during the day, far superior
than traveling in a hearse. Despite the gothic novels, vampires didn’t
especially like traveling in coffins, but they were the only guaranteed way to
travel long distances safely during daylight without arousing suspicion. He
had always wondered how he had done it; how the oldest vampire in North America
had managed to travel and meet all his appointments, all of his performances. He felt stupid that the
he hadn’t thought of it before, but then he didn’t leave the manor very often
any more, sleeper cars were still new to him.
He checked his pocket watch. He noticed very few wore them
anymore, mostly old men, but the wristwatches were chafing. He wondered if he
would outlive all the beloved fashions and habits of his age. Would he only be
able to wear the clothes he loved inside the manor, far away from human sight?
He snapped the pocket watch shut. He was getting impatient waiting for the
person that had summoned him for this meeting. He never came himself. He
didn’t even send one of his lackeys. They had only communicated by telegram.
The Western Union boys would wander around the walls of the estate for hours
and never could find the entrance. No mortal could. At first Wallach ignored
these futile attempts to contact him, but his pursuer was persistent. Day
after day new boys on bicycles came and they idled on the street corner,
waiting. All day they waited. Then they started waiting on the corner past
sunset. Then they started waiting until dawn. Forzgrim was practically beside
himself. It was like dangling raw meat in front of a mad dog just an arm’s
length outside his cage, but Wallach had forbad his hungry lieutenant from
taking any action. If the uniformed boys with yellow badges and bicycles started
disappearing, there would be uniformed men in blue, and then the attention
would never stop. “The Cowboy” would know
he was sending the telegram boys to the right place. “The Cowboy,” Wallach sniffed to himself. What a ridiculous name
for a master vampire. How cloy. Well the cowboy certainly was very persistent, and annoying.
When the boys started standing on the street corner shouting
out “Telegram for Mr. Wallach!” he had no choice but to take action. The boy
lived, and returned a message, under the name “Samuel Benjamin Bitten V,” (He
only used the name ‘Wallach’ with other vampires.) A reply came the next day, from
a “Mr. Travis Lee,” this time addressed to “Mr. Bitten.” This one was sent
from a hotel in Oklahoma of all places. It wasn’t galling that The Cowboy had found him, he always
suspected he would eventually, it was just insulting that he wouldn’t come in
person, or even send one of his Renfields, but when the most powerful vampire
still living on the North American continent summoned you, you had to come. Only
the chance of meeting him face to face had been enough to tempt Wallach out of
his stronghold at Rivenden. He only hoped he was clever enough to come out of
the encounter alive, but with some careful planning, he might come back with
even more.
After a lot of empty pleasantries the last message had been
refreshingly simple. “30TH ST. STATION. STOP. MIDNIGHT. STOP. COME
ALONE. STOP.” At the courtesy counter a first class ticket for a sleeper cabin
on the night train to New York was waiting for a Mr. Samuel Benjamin Bitten V.
Boarding the train Wallach hadn’t noticed anyone unusual. No one was waiting
for him, so Wallach settled into the club car and ordered a glass of wine. He
hadn’t been able to taste a thing since a turning a few weeks after the Battle
of Germantown, during the Revolution. American wine probably tasted awful
anyway, but he could remember. He idly pretended to nurse his wine and read
the Inquirer, but he was carefully watching the other nightowls. None elicited
any suspicion. He suspected that The Cowboy would remain unseen, partly to
avoid him, and partly to avoid his newfound fans. Celebrities were an odd
breed. They worked for nothing but fame and notoriety and then once they had
it they detested it when it dared followed them anywhere, even in their private
moments. It was an odd affectation for anyone to seek out such attention, but even
stranger for a vampire. When it was clear that none of them were the cowboy,
or even any of his servants, Wallach asked the porter to take him to his
sleeper cabin. He gave him a heavy tip to make sure he would be left alone.
Since then, he was sulking in the cabin waiting. If the Cowboy was so anxious
to meet him he would have to come and find him.
He didn’t have to wait much longer. On the opposite side of the door to his cabin came a sharp knock. Wallach winced. It was light and jaunty and not at all serious in tone. He debated internally going to the door but uttered only “Come in.” instead. The door swung open slowly to reveal a buxom brunette woman with dark eyes, wearing a red evening dress and a fur wrap and matching red shoes and lurid red lipstick.
He didn’t have to wait much longer. On the opposite side of the door to his cabin came a sharp knock. Wallach winced. It was light and jaunty and not at all serious in tone. He debated internally going to the door but uttered only “Come in.” instead. The door swung open slowly to reveal a buxom brunette woman with dark eyes, wearing a red evening dress and a fur wrap and matching red shoes and lurid red lipstick.
“Mr. Bitten?” She said brightly, not a trace of fear in her
voice. If anything, it was sarcastic.
“Yes.” Wallach said coolly.
“My name’s Elizabeth Sherman, but y’all can call be Betty.” She paused when he didn’t respond. “Mr. Lee will see you now.”
“My name’s Elizabeth Sherman, but y’all can call be Betty.” She paused when he didn’t respond. “Mr. Lee will see you now.”
To be summoned like a
low level clerk to a meeting with his manager! thought Wallach. The
insults just kept coming. Wallach said nothing but stood upright slowly. He
picked up his overcoat and homburg hat where he had set them on the seat beside
him and draped the coat elegantly over one arm. He kept the hat in his right hand.
The woman smiled and stepped aside and gestured for him to come out into the
As he passed she looked Wallach up and down quickly and suppressed a smile that told him the truth. His suit was out of style.
As he passed she looked Wallach up and down quickly and suppressed a smile that told him the truth. His suit was out of style.
“If y’all just follow me, now,” She said with a wry smile
and a slight Texan accent, “Mr. Lee has been just dying to finally meet you.” She even hit him on the arm in a
playful way. She walked away down the narrow passage with a confident sashay
and a swing to her hips. Wallach followed and as she walked she let the wrap
she was wearing fall off her bare shoulders intentionally and turned back to
smile at him. He smiled back but in a cold way. She was pretty, in the common
familiar and vulgar way Americans appreciated, but she was no vampire. The
Cowboy had no clan, no den or family. Rumor had it he surrounded himself with
only female Renfields. Wallach guessed she was supposed to be a diversion, a
temptation, whether as a potential companion or prey, it didn’t matter.
This whole endeavor, being forced to wait, being summoned
like a servant, the girl, as if he could be so easily distracted, was all engineered
to make Wallach feel small and inferior. Wallach was angry at himself for how
successful it was. They passed down the narrow halls quickly. Most of the
other passengers were already in their cabins, but there were still a few
porters they had to turn sideways to squeeze by, and they each made every
attempt to flirt with the woman. As they crossed from one sleeper car to the
next, a rush of cold wind would blow her hair and wrap back in a flurry of snow
kicked up by the speeding train. She would toss her hair and giggle like a
little girl in her first snowstorm. The porters would hold the doors in the
rushing wind between cars and reach out an arm to help her step across the jangling
and dangerous gap, using every occasion to flirt some more. Each one got an
over-enthusiastic “Why thank y’all kindly,” before she moved on. She actually
blew a kiss at the last one. Wallach didn’t know whether to feel relieved that
the porters didn’t think the two of them were together or emasculated that they
didn’t consider him enough of a threat to care. In his manor in Rivenden no
one treated him like this, no one would dare, but he had to control himself.
He had to be patient and wait. He needed to know what the Cowboy had to say to
him, what he wanted him for.
She led him nearly to the end of the train, passing through
several cars until they reached a larger Pullman sleeper near the end. It was
brand new from the look of it. Latest model, polished stainless steel, but Wallach
hadn’t seen it before on the platform. Yodeling on stage seemed to be paying well;
it should, for the cost to your dignity. There was no porter here, the woman
opened the door herself and let Wallach pass through first. As she shut the
door against the wind and adjusted her hair she spoke absentmindedly.
“Mr. Lee has a private car. He doesn’t like to draw too much
attention to himself.”
Then maybe he
shouldn’t prance around on a painted pony in a silver fringed suit. Thought
Wallach, but if the woman noticed his sneer she didn’t show it.
“We have an agreement with Pennsylvania Railroad. The car was
only coupled to the train after all the other passengers had boarded.”
Wallach smiled, but he had already noticed the heavy thump
before the train pulled out and guessed as much. She led him down another
hallway and opened the door on a clubroom that took up half the car. It wasn’t
as bad as Wallach had expected. He had expected saloon doors and knotty pine
paneling hung with spurs, branding irons and rusty horseshoes. Instead, it was
restrained and modern, art deco, with only a few colorful touches: a cowhide, a
Navajo blanket, a lariat and a saddle thrown over a sawhorse. Leaning next to them
was an ornate silver guitar, but those were stage props, not decor. The
Cowboy’s garish stage wardrobe was there, hanging in an open trunk stood up on
end, a tasteless profusion of spangles, leather tassels and ornate silver
buckles. The room was full of many trunks and cases, the typical traveling
gear of a performer, covered in the hotel stickers from all the places he had
toured – Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Tulsa, Cedar Rapids, Miami, Detroit – but the
Cowboy himself was sitting in a modern leather chair in a rather conservative understated
suit, although of a western cut. Even his boots were understated. He was
leaning forward over the table looking at what appeared to be his press
The second Wallach entered, The Cowboy looked up and smiled
enthusiastically. He stood up and strolled over to him earnestly like an insurance
salesman making a sale.
“Mr. Bitten! What a gen-u-whine honor! I can not tell you how long I have wanted to make your acquaintance. I couldn’t be more pleased if I were a pig in a holler.” He spoke with the same boisterous and overwrought open-mouthed western accent he used on stage and held out his right hand robustly. He was taller than Wallach had expected, and more handsome too. He looked older than Wallach, like a man somewhere in his early thirties. He was lean, muscular and jocular, seemingly straightforward and without guile, everything a cowboy should be, thought Wallach. He seemed even more charismatic in person than in his press photographs. He had small dark sparkling-eyes and wavy dark hair. He was masculine and rugged looking, unlike Wallach who had his mother’s fine and sharp eastern European features. There was not hint of pallor around him, but he was a ruddy as a workman who spent all day outdoors. No wonder the Americans loved him.
“Mr. Bitten! What a gen-u-whine honor! I can not tell you how long I have wanted to make your acquaintance. I couldn’t be more pleased if I were a pig in a holler.” He spoke with the same boisterous and overwrought open-mouthed western accent he used on stage and held out his right hand robustly. He was taller than Wallach had expected, and more handsome too. He looked older than Wallach, like a man somewhere in his early thirties. He was lean, muscular and jocular, seemingly straightforward and without guile, everything a cowboy should be, thought Wallach. He seemed even more charismatic in person than in his press photographs. He had small dark sparkling-eyes and wavy dark hair. He was masculine and rugged looking, unlike Wallach who had his mother’s fine and sharp eastern European features. There was not hint of pallor around him, but he was a ruddy as a workman who spent all day outdoors. No wonder the Americans loved him.
Wallach said nothing but slowly turned back to look at the
woman, “Betty” and held up his overcoat. He had deliberately draped his
overcoat over the right arm and picked up his homburg hat in his right hand to
give him an excuse to avoid having to shake the cowboy’s hand.
“Yes of course, where are our manners?” The cowboy said brightly, ignoring the sleight. “You’d a thunk we jus’ fell off the turnip truck and that this was our first rodeo! Betty if you wouldn’t mind.” Betty smiled slyly and took Wallach’s coat and hat. “That’ll be all Betty, us two ol’ boys can git along jus’ fine for a minute. We have horse-trading to discuss.” Betty fluttered her eyes knowingly and slowly turned and left the room, sashaying even more slowly than usual. Both Wallach and watched her go. When the door shut Wallach turned back to face the cowboy, who was still grinning, his hand still outstretched. Wallach slowly put his hands in his pockets.
“Yes of course, where are our manners?” The cowboy said brightly, ignoring the sleight. “You’d a thunk we jus’ fell off the turnip truck and that this was our first rodeo! Betty if you wouldn’t mind.” Betty smiled slyly and took Wallach’s coat and hat. “That’ll be all Betty, us two ol’ boys can git along jus’ fine for a minute. We have horse-trading to discuss.” Betty fluttered her eyes knowingly and slowly turned and left the room, sashaying even more slowly than usual. Both Wallach and watched her go. When the door shut Wallach turned back to face the cowboy, who was still grinning, his hand still outstretched. Wallach slowly put his hands in his pockets.
The cowboy just laughed and put the hand down. “Now that
ain’t no way to start a friendship, is it now Mr. Bitten.”
“It’s just Wallach actually, Mr. Lee.”
The cowboy just laughed off Wallach’s snide tone, “That’s a bit better, and you can call me Travis. C’mon…let’s get this pow-wow started.” He slapped Wallach hard once on the shoulder before turning to sit down.
The cowboy just laughed off Wallach’s snide tone, “That’s a bit better, and you can call me Travis. C’mon…let’s get this pow-wow started.” He slapped Wallach hard once on the shoulder before turning to sit down.
Pow-wow? Thought Wallach. The old vampire certainly was
just laying it on a bit thick. The cowboy walked back over to the other side
of the room and plopped himself down unceremoniously in the same leather chair
as before and indicated silently that Wallach take the one opposite him.
Wallach crossed the room slowly and sat on the edge of his chair like a man
prepared to bolt. “Travis” just
leaned back in his like a man confident of his position. There was a large
engraved silver-plated six-shooter with a pearl handle in a holster hanging on
a wide gun belt slung over one of the arm’s of the cowboy’s chair. Wallach was
certain the bullets in the gun belt were silver. The cowboy must have seen
Wallach’s eyes flit to the gun and just laughed.
“What this ol’ rig? Aw, that’s nuttin’ but a stage prop,
pardner, full of blanks. You ain’t got nuttin’ to fret about.”
There was a long uncomfortable pause where no one spoke
until the cowboy broke in again.
“I’d offer you a scotch or a Cuban cigar or sometin’ but we both know that just won’t do for neider of us don’t we?” The cowboy actually winked at him then. “I could always rustle up some grub if yer want, something fresher, something rarer, if you had the notion.”
“I’d offer you a scotch or a Cuban cigar or sometin’ but we both know that just won’t do for neider of us don’t we?” The cowboy actually winked at him then. “I could always rustle up some grub if yer want, something fresher, something rarer, if you had the notion.”
Rustle? Notion? Pardner?
Ain’t got nuttin’ to fret about? There was something a bit too precious
about this performance. What was the cowboy up to? He had to know that Wallach
wasn’t one of his starstruck cornfed idiot fans. Why keep up the pretense? Or
was he just trying to lure him into a false sense of security by playing the
fool? Either way, Wallach had to buy a little more time and play along with
the fop for a while longer. Newark was still a ways off.
“I’m fine, Thank you.”
Wallach said coldly, folding his hands in his lap. “Tell me, Travis, do you keep up these ridiculous pretenses
for the benefit of your fans or have you done is so long you just enjoy
deluding yourself?”
The cowboy just laughed again and leaned forward in his
chair. “Now why do you have to go and be like that before we even git down to
business? We are both self-made men, Wallach, us more than anyone else living.
That’s no way for us to act. In this land, is this age we can be whatever we
want to be. If you want to be some dried up relic and hermit, fine. Shoot! I
don’t care! That’s your business, no skin off my back. And if I want to be a
singing cowboy, then that’s what I am.”
Wallach wasn’t looking at him when the cowboy began that
little monologue. Instead he was idly pretending to clean his fingernails, but
when the cowboy finished he felt compelled to look up, directly into the
cowboy’s large eyes. There was something strange about what he had just said,
and not just because he had dropped most of the hoakey colloquialisms. He had started
rolling his “r’s” instead of dropping them too, but that wasn’t it exactly
either. It was the way, he had said
it. It was almost…magical. It made
Wallach want to listen.
Wallach turned back to his fingernails. “Still,” He began
diffidently, holding up the back of his hand to examine his perfectly clean
nails, “It is a bit unseemly don’t you think? The last two ancient vampires of
any significance in North America, perhaps even the whole Western Hemisphere,
meeting on a train passing through New Jersey, around so many mortals.”
Wallach tried to sound bored, but he had to shoot a glance the cowboy’s way to
gauge his reaction. The cowboy was still smiling. “It would have been so much
better to have met at my manor at Rivenden. We could have had some real
privacy, perhaps even a genuine feast. I have lots of fresh meat in my larder.”
The cowboy sniffed, “I bet you do,” He leaned back in his
chair and smiled and folded his arms across his chest. “But we both know that
if I had stepped into that den of thieves of yours I never would have stepped
“Perhaps,” Wallach
said not unlike a petulant girl, who’s just been insulted. Den of thieves, indeed. Thought Wallach.
Better a master of thieves than a rodeo
There was a pause before cowboy laughed again, great big
rolling guffaws and then he slapped his thighs and shook his head. Wallach
had to lean back to withstand its intensity.
“The two last ancient vampires in the Western Hemisphere!”
He laughed. “Do you really believe that song and dance Wallach?”
“Well, if you don’t count the Turk.” Wallach said casually. “He’s been known to wander to
this side of the planet on occasion.”
“The Turk?!” The cowboy
laughed. “Aw shucks, I thought he was just a legend. Do you really believe he
“People have asked me the same thing about you.” Wallach
replied coldly.
The cowboy laughed again, even louder this time. Wallach
winced at the vulgarity.
When the cowboy composed himself, he shook his head and
smiled. “The Turk, The cowboy, The aristocrat,” he said in a mocking tone, “Where do vampires get
these dopey names? Huh?”
Wallach raised his eyebrow and tried to contain a spasm of
rage. No one had dared called him “the aristocrat” in his presence and lived.
We wondered what his Father would have thought, an age where the very word, aristocrat, was an insult. The irony!
“I guess you don’t get to pick your own nickname though do
you?” The cowboy went on.
“Quite.” Wallach said simply.
“Still if you’re stuck with it you might as well embrace it
and make it work for you.”
There’s embracing and then there’s abject surrender, thought Wallach, but he said nothing.
There’s embracing and then there’s abject surrender, thought Wallach, but he said nothing.
“Still, it must have been galling when they used to call you
the aristocrat.”
Two thoughts struck Wallach at once. The cowboy was trying
to manipulate him, play on his vanity, push him over the edge into recklessly
revealing something, but this was overwhelmed by two simple words that
surprised him.
“Used to?” He hadn’t meant to speak them out loud. The
cowboy was getting to him.
The cowboy leaned back and turned his head inquisitively,
then smiled the biggest smile he had all night. “Oh you can’t tell me you haven’t
heard what they call you now?! That’s
just plum incredible!”
Wallach tensed. He didn’t
“Well that’s just too good! That’s just as crazy as tits on
a bull.”
Wallach felt odd. The cowboy was so vulgar, so common, but
also so compelling. He knew he was toying with him, but he couldn’t help
himself. Usually he didn’t care what others said, but now? Now he wanted to know what the rabble was
whispering about his name when he was out of earshot, but he looked nervously
to the cowboy, and his tight-lipped thin smile. The idiot wasn’t going to tell
him. He was going to make Wallach ask.
The ignominy of it all. Still, he felt almost flush and warm with excitement.
It was a feeling he had not felt since he was mortal, since all those years
ago when he first stepped off the boat onto the shores of America to make his
way as a hero and a patriot of the new country. All the promise. Since then
the closest he had felt was…hungry.
“What do they call me…now?”
He blurted out quickly. He couldn’t conceal his interest though he tried to
appear aloof and bored.
The cowboy smiled an even broader grin, and then spoke
clearly, the phony accent almost completely gone. “They call you the ‘Devil
Dog.’” The cowboy spread his hands before him and looked up as if he were
reading the name from a movie marquee.
Wallach waggled his head from side to side and looked up.
That wasn’t bad. A bit common sounding but it was far more intimidating than
the “Aristocrat,” but the cowboy wasn’t finished.
“Or sometimes the ‘Hound of Hell.’”
Hound of Hell, thought Wallach. That was even better. He tried hard not to smile, but the cowboy still wasn’t done.
“Or sometimes the ‘Hound of Hell.’”
Hound of Hell, thought Wallach. That was even better. He tried hard not to smile, but the cowboy still wasn’t done.
“They call you…” the cowboy hesitated and paused on every
word, “The Shadow…of…Death.”
And Wallach did smile this time. He even put his fingers to
his lips. “The Shadow of Death!” It sounded so appropriate, so resonant,
especially the way that the cowboy said it. It was so wonderful, so very
perfect, so very…flattering. The
warm feeling evaporated instantly. His eyes shot back to the cowboy, who was
smiling as always. The cowboy had made him lose his concentration. This
wasn’t just common flattery. The cowboy was doing something to his voice,
something supernatural.
“What do you want?” Wallach spat out almost defensively.
“Enough small talk huh?” The cowboy laughed. “Now we get to
the matter at hand.”
The cowboy stood up and walked around the cabin, pacing
around the small coffee table with its press clippings. “You’ve always had a
reputation for ruthlessness Wallach. Not many who cross you have ever lived to
tell the tale, but something has changed.”
“Changed?” Wallach said curiously.
The cowboy smiled and walked around behind the back of
Wallach’s chair. “Not to worry, your reputation is intact, it’s just that there
have been certain rumors, rumors that are hard to explain…even for a vampire.”
“How so?” Wallach said idly looking up at the ceiling.
“Rumors of certain new abilities,
rumors of specific new…shall we say…powers? Powers rare and unique even among
the world of vampires.”
“Oh? And what would those be?” Wallach said playfully. It
was time to make the cowboy ask.
“Well the ability to change into smoke or a monstrous dog
for one.”
“Oh really?” Wallach said like an indolent spoiled child,
who was telling his nanny he no idea how the vase got broken.
“Yes really.” Even though he couldn’t see him, Wallach
could hear the smile in the cowboy’s voice. Wallach himself smiled at the
thought of what they were saying about him. “They say you can heal from any
wound almost instantly, that you can see the future, that you can steal a
vampire’s very powers.”
Wallach smiled more as each of these were spoken in turn.
It was so gratifying to know how much he was feared. How much he was envied,
but then he remembered himself. This was what the cowboy wanted, for him to
let his guard down while entertaining flattering daydreams.
And…” and here the cowboy paused for dramatic effect, “they
also say that you have the power to walk in daylight.”
Now it was Wallach’s turn to laugh, but it wasn’t a warm
laugh like the cowboy’s, it was a cold mirthless one. It was an awkward
attempt at concealing Wallach’s growing urge to confess something, like a child
bursting with secret pride of some sinful act. In the end he managed to
contain himself and stick to the plan, the trap was baited and the cowboy was
about to strike. “And you believe these stories do you?”
“You know we wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“And of what interest is my supposed new abilities to you?”
“I have my reasons…but first I need to know if they are
The cowboy had taken the bait. Wallach smiled deeper this
time and had to look away to restrain the deliciousness of it all. It had to
be played just right from this point out, if it were to work, or Wallach
wouldn’t survive the rest of the trip. Wallach sniffed indignantly. “You really
shouldn’t be so gullible Travis.”
“So it’s not true?” The cowboy said, sounding surprised.
“Of course not, don’t be ridiculous. Walking in daylight!” Wallach said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, “And who, may I ask, is telling you all these wonderful fables, hmm?”
“No one I want killed by you.” He said chuckling, “Besides, it’s not who’s telling them that convinces me, it’s who’s not telling them. The Prendergast clan for example.”
“So it’s not true?” The cowboy said, sounding surprised.
“Of course not, don’t be ridiculous. Walking in daylight!” Wallach said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, “And who, may I ask, is telling you all these wonderful fables, hmm?”
“No one I want killed by you.” He said chuckling, “Besides, it’s not who’s telling them that convinces me, it’s who’s not telling them. The Prendergast clan for example.”
Wallach’s smile abated just a little. He fidgeted in his
seat and fingered the stitching of the armrest on the leather chair. “You saw them?” He asked not looking up.
The cowboy walked back around in front of Wallach. “I saw
what was left of them.” He said
Wallach was practically beaming with delight, as much as he
tried to contain it.
“Oh? They came into some trouble did they?” Wallach looked away like a child trying to avoid his mother’s gaze when caught lying.
“Oh? They came into some trouble did they?” Wallach looked away like a child trying to avoid his mother’s gaze when caught lying.
“You could say that.” The cowboy laughed. “I’ve heard you’ve
done some dirty low things in your time, like those five sisters you killed off
in their nightgowns?”
“I was feeling peckish.” Wallach said dismissively.
“But killing off a whole clan? One of the oldest clans in
America? That’s excessive, Wallach. Even for you.”
The Prendergasts got what they deserved thought Wallach. It
had been fun killing them, the stuffed shirt Southern Bluebloods of the
Carolinas, but not as much fun as seeing the shock on their smug little faces turn
to panic before he snuffed them all out and eliminated the last major clan
other than his own on the east coast.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you are talking about.” Wallach
said dismissively, but he couldn’t hide his beaming eyes. It was fun being
coy for a change, then Wallach stopped short. This was what the cowboy wanted,
to see him pleased with himself, to see the confirmation in his eyes. Wallach
realized that this was all just another form of flattery. He would have to be
more circumspect. He quickly regained his composure. His smile vanished, the
cold exterior returned.
“I perhaps have been a little more robust, in my business dealings of late, but I assure you nothing…unusual…has merited the change.”
“That so?” The cowboy said simply.
“Yes indeed. Walking
in daylight…I mean honestly Travis.
Can you really believe that?”
“That’s what the people are saying.” The cowboy said simply.
“Yes, but you better than anyone should know the power of a…”
Wallach paused and thought as if something just occurred to him, “suggestion.”
He said flatly eyeing up the vampire sitting opposite him.
“Suggestion?” The cowboy said coolly, narrowing his eyes.
Wallach was gratified that he had planted the seed of suspicion in him.
“Yes.” Wallach said, “One must maintain a public persona, whether a performer or a vampire, or in your case both.”
The cowboy raised his eyebrows at him.
“We’ve all heard the legends, haven’t we?” Wallach went on casually. “Vampires that can turn into animals or smoke, vampires that can walk in daylight, a magical green stone that can restore a vampire to mortality, silver chains that can steal a vampires powers, or how about the great Father of All Vampires, what is he supposed to be called?…Oh! Yes!” Wallach said snapping his fingers as if the answer just came to him, but he knew it all along. “Hokharty-Ra! Who will come and restore us and make us rulers of this world. There are so many tall tales, Travis, so many rumors, I merely encouraged a few to take root about my person.”
“Yes.” Wallach said, “One must maintain a public persona, whether a performer or a vampire, or in your case both.”
The cowboy raised his eyebrows at him.
“We’ve all heard the legends, haven’t we?” Wallach went on casually. “Vampires that can turn into animals or smoke, vampires that can walk in daylight, a magical green stone that can restore a vampire to mortality, silver chains that can steal a vampires powers, or how about the great Father of All Vampires, what is he supposed to be called?…Oh! Yes!” Wallach said snapping his fingers as if the answer just came to him, but he knew it all along. “Hokharty-Ra! Who will come and restore us and make us rulers of this world. There are so many tall tales, Travis, so many rumors, I merely encouraged a few to take root about my person.”
“Really?” The cowboy said, and for once his smile
disappeared and he seemed disappointed.
“Verily,” Wallach replied pompously as he stood up. “Fear is
a great motivator, Travis. You can hardly blame me for encouraging it in
“So that’s all this is, just some flim-flam, just some story
to keep the other vampires at bay?”
“I’m afraid so,” Wallach said standing up, “Now if that’s
all, I’ll have to excuse myself, I really can’t be detained by idle chatter
about fairy tales.” Wallach made as if to go, but hesitated, waiting to read
the cowboy’s reaction. The bait had been taken, but he needed to provoke the
cowboy to act before Wallach’s
reserve arrived.
The cowboy shrugged as if disappointed and then stood up too.
“Well that’s the way it goes I guess. Y’know, when I heard the stories that’s
all I thought they were too, just stories,” he waved both hands in front of him
as if to sweep the whole topic away, “I mean shucks, people get spooked and
make up all kinds of crazy things, especially when they are scared. Not even
vampires are immune to an over-active imagination, if ya get my meaning…so no
hard feelings right?” he held out one large hand, and this time Wallach regarded
it closely. Wallach felt as if he couldn’t refuse, not in the sense of a
polite obligation of courtesy, but as if his mind would not let him refuse. It was strange. He took the hand hoping
to get it over with quickly, but the second Wallach’s hand touched his he found
himself in an implacable iron grip. Then the cowboy slapped the other hand
down hard on Wallach’s shoulder and locked his gaze on him. Instantly
Wallach’s will left him. It was like being frozen, paralyzed and Wallach
suddenly became very anxious as the cowboy leaned over to speak to him, his
faces just inches from his own. As paralyzing as the grip was, the voice was
worse, like thick poison dripping in his ear, soft and unstoppable.
“You’re not going anywhere, Mr. Bitten. I didn’t believe
the stories either.” The cowboy whispered. “That is, not until just now when
you walked into this room and I saw you in person for the very first time.”
The one hand squeezed the shoulder and Wallach felt the bones crack. He was
frozen. Immovable! Riveted to the ground. But it wasn’t the cowboy’s grip
that was doing it. It was his voice!! The rich baritone tone was pouring into
his being like hot lead, burning through him, crumbling his spine and drying up
his innards and making his teeth clench so hard his molars felt like they were
cracking. Wallach was stunned at the power. His eyes were locked in their
sockets, rigid, unable to look away from the cowboy and his grinning stupid
hammy face. His whole being was breaking down into nothingness and just as
when it felt he might crumble into ash and dust, the cowboy let go of his hand
and let the other slip from his shoulder and walked away.
Wallach stood panting and if he had been still mortal he
would have been sweating. His whole body ached like tetanus, but he managed to
look down into his stiff right hand and saw a crumpled press clipping that the
cowboy had slid into his hand when he was frozen to the spot. He carefully and
painfully uncrumpled the gray piece of newspaper. On the front of it was a
picture of a modern and austere skyscraper. Wallach recognized it immediately.
It was the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society building on Market Street. The
clipping was from the dedication of the building a few years back. The photo
was of a large crowd gathered outside the building, waiting to be among the
first to go in and see this strange new structure unlike any previously built
in Philadelphia, unlike any previous built in the United States. There in the middle
of the crowd with a circle around his head in pencil was Wallach, patiently waiting
amongst the rabble wearing his Homburg hat. It was small, and blurry, and only
half his face was showing, but there was no doubting it was him. He had turned
at just the right – or wrong – time, looking back over his shoulder just as the
photographer’s flash popped. He was even wearing the same suit as he was now.
Wallach crumpled the small piece of paper into a tight ball in his fist with
what little remained of his strength.
“You do not disappoint, cowboy.” Wallach said weakly.
you, that’s what all my fans say,” the cowboy said graciously, as if he was
hosting a friendly cocktail party instead of a showdown between two rival
ancient monsters, “Please sit down, if
you can,” he added sarcastically as he went back to his seat.
“You do not disappoint, cowboy.” Wallach said weakly.
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