Tuesday, May 29, 2012

OVER 9000! (Almost)

8824.  That was the final tally.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we'd have that many downloads.  For a time, we were even number 2 on the top 100 contemporary fantasy fiction free downloads on Amazon, and thirty-seven on the overall top 100 free downloads list.

Ya gotta hope that those people will help spread the world.  If I can't get another 30-40 reviews out of that many downloads...I don't what I'll have to do.

Thanks to all those that helped spread the word about this free promotion.  We will have another just before the release of the second book.

Thanks again everybody,


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm living in the Matrix...

And I took the blue pill.

That's the only explanation I can think of when I keep getting awesome reviews like this.  Another five star review.

Check out the full review here:  http://www.amazon.com/review/RJJBYJSQC9BV6/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B005XHABAO&nodeID=&tag=&linkCode=

But here's a snippet:
This is the first review I have written on Amazon but I felt compelled to do so after reading this fantastic book. I bought it thinking that as a 99c book it would be readable and if I was lucky entertaining. Boy was I wrong, it hooked me from the beginning and had me reading into the wee hours on nights when I knew I really ought to be asleep.
Voluntary sleep deprivation is the greatest compliment an author can ever get.

Thanks Mandy! whoever you are, and when you want to buy the sequel at full price, let me know and I will send you a signed copy with a little sketch of Hiero.



Summer Reading!

Start your summer reading off right! This memorial day weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Limbo's Child will be available free to download on Kindle.

It's the only book you'll need this summer. Seriously...it's like the Anna Karenina of humorous vampire action comedy young adult novels. Not joking. Dead serious here. 
Besides, it's nearly 800 pages of fun reading for FREE.  You can't beat a deal like that.

It's a young adult fun fantasy read with lots of action, thrills, humor and some other cliche I'm forgetting...oh! Heart, loads and loads of heart. Ooodles of heart, and oh...blood. Seriously, it's just dripping with the stuff. It's sort of a vampire teenage horror comedy action adventure fantasy kinda thing.

Perfect summer reading, really.


Big Changes Coming

Big changes are indeed coming.  Not only to the website, but to my life in general.  We are moving... forward on the writing and publication on the second book, but that isn't the only thing that's moving.  We are also leaving behind one life and starting another.  It's scary...and terrifying, and not altogether unhumorous. 

We are also putting together some videos and other promotional materials for the series.  All of this costs money and your help would be greatly appreciated.  So I've decided to add a "donate" Paypal button to the website so that you can show your support.

If you can spare a few dollars we sure would appreciate it as we transition to a new life.

Thanks for everything and as always, share the book with friends.  If enough sell I can make this my full time gig and that means you get the sequels and updates that much sooner.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Live READING! Tonight, May 4th, 8:30 CST.

So tonight I will be doing a live reading online of excerpts from the first book, Limbo's Child as well as a few samples of my next book, The Silver Guitar.

Hope you join us.

Here's the link for Livestream: 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

And the raves keep coming in...

Another great Five Star review.  She even mentions the pajamas, which are a running gag throughout the book, but you'll have to read it to find out why.

Another Five Star Review!

It's short and sweet.  Poetry really.

I won't ruin it, just go over and read it here.

FYI - I feel I should mention that I have nothing against a particular volume of popular books on vampires, though I am on Team Jacob.